Luhansk (Ukraine), 23/02/2022.- A view of a damaged tree in the Vibrovka village after shelling not far from the pro-Russian militants controlled city of Luhansk, Ukraine, 23 February 2022. Russia on 21 February 2022 recognized the eastern Ukrainian self-proclaimed breakaway regions as independent states and ordered the deployment of peacekeeping troops to the Donbas, triggering an expected series of economic sanctions announcements by Western countries. (Rusia, Ucrania) EFE/EPA/ZURAB KURTSIKIDZE
Luhansk (Ukraine), 23/02/2022.- A view of a damaged tree in the Vibrovka village after shelling not far from the pro-Russian militants controlled city of Luhansk, Ukraine, 23 February 2022. Russia on 21 February 2022 recognized the eastern Ukrainian self-proclaimed breakaway regions as independent states and ordered the deployment of peacekeeping troops to the Donbas, triggering an expected series of economic sanctions announcements by Western countries. (Rusia, Ucrania) EFE/EPA/ZURAB KURTSIKIDZEUcrania pidió hoy una reunión urgente del Consejo de Seguridad de la ONU tras la solicitud de ayuda militar rusa por parte de las autoproclamadas repúblicas populares de Donetsk y Lugansk. Así lo anunció en Twitter el ministro de Exteriores ucraniano, Dmitro Kuleba, después del anuncio del Kremlin, que se basa en los acuerdos de amistad, cooperación y asistencia mutua firmados este lunes entre Moscú y las entidades rebeldes del este de Ucrania.
Autor: EFE, publicada el 23 de febrero de 2022