Luhansk (Ukraine), 23/02/2022.- A man looks at a shell hole after shelling in the Vibrovka village not far from the pro-Russian militants controlled city of Luhansk, Ukraine, 23 February 2022. Russia on 21 February 2022 recognized the eastern Ukrainian self-proclaimed Donetsk and Luhansk People's Republics breakaway regions as independent states and ordered the deployment of peacekeeping troops to the Donbas, triggering an expected series of economic sanctions announcements by Western countries.
Luhansk (Ukraine), 23/02/2022.- A man looks at a shell hole after shelling in the Vibrovka village not far from the pro-Russian militants controlled city of Luhansk, Ukraine, 23 February 2022. Russia on 21 February 2022 recognized the eastern Ukrainian self-proclaimed Donetsk and Luhansk People's Republics breakaway regions as independent states and ordered the deployment of peacekeeping troops to the Donbas, triggering an expected series of economic sanctions announcements by Western countries.Ucrania pidió hoy una reunión urgente del Consejo de Seguridad de la ONU tras la solicitud de ayuda militar rusa por parte de las autoproclamadas repúblicas populares de Donetsk y Lugansk. Así lo anunció en Twitter el ministro de Exteriores ucraniano, Dmitro Kuleba, después del anuncio del Kremlin, que se basa en los acuerdos de amistad, cooperación y asistencia mutua firmados este lunes entre Moscú y las entidades rebeldes del este de Ucrania.
Autor: EFE, publicada el 23 de febrero de 2022