NYTSOTU2022 - President Joe Biden delivers his state of the union address to Congress in the Capitol on Tuesday March 1, 2022 in Washington, D.C. Seated behind him are Vice President Kamala Harris, left, and Speaker Nancy Pelosi. (Photograph by Sarahbeth Maney/The New York Times)
NYTSOTU2022 - President Joe Biden delivers his state of the union address to Congress in the Capitol on Tuesday March 1, 2022 in Washington, D.C. Seated behind him are Vice President Kamala Harris, left, and Speaker Nancy Pelosi. (Photograph by Sarahbeth Maney/The New York Times)El presidente estadounidense, Joe Biden, reveló este martes su decisión de cerrar el espacio aéreo de Estados Unidos a las aerolíneas rusas, como han hecho también la Unión Europea (UE) y Canadá, durante su primer Estado de la Unión.
Autor: AP, publicada el 01 de marzo de 2022