A woman from Ukraine stands with her children before crossing into the United States, Thursday, March 10, 2022, in Tijuana, Mexico. U.S. authorities allowed the woman and her three children to seek asylum Thursday, a reversal from a day earlier when she was denied entry under the Biden administration's sweeping restrictions for seeking humanitarian protections. (AP Photo/Gregory Bull)
A woman from Ukraine stands with her children before crossing into the United States, Thursday, March 10, 2022, in Tijuana, Mexico. U.S. authorities allowed the woman and her three children to seek asylum Thursday, a reversal from a day earlier when she was denied entry under the Biden administration's sweeping restrictions for seeking humanitarian protections. (AP Photo/Gregory Bull)Familias de Rusia y Ucrania que han visto sus vidas expuestas por el conflicto bélico entre sus países, están arribando de manera constante y numerosa a la fronteriza ciudad mexicana de Tijuana para solicitar asilo político en Estados Unidos.
Autor: EFE-AP, publicada el 16 de marzo de 2022