Nablus (-), 29/05/2022.- Israeli soldiers stop Palestinians as they try to hang a Palestinian flag in the village of Huwwara near the West Bank city of Nablus, 29 May 2022. As the annual right-wing Israeli 'Flag March' celebrating Jerusalem Day started taking place in Jerusalem on 29 May, Palestinians organized counter-protests in the West Bank and other protests are expected in the Gaza strip. According to the Palestinian News Agency affiliated with the Palestinian Authority on 29 may, dozens of protesters were injured in clashes with Israeli security forces in the West Bank. The march has long been viewed by Palestinians as a provocation. (Protestas, Estados Unidos, Jerusalén) EFE/EPA/ALAA BADARNEH
Nablus (-), 29/05/2022.- Israeli soldiers stop Palestinians as they try to hang a Palestinian flag in the village of Huwwara near the West Bank city of Nablus, 29 May 2022. As the annual right-wing Israeli 'Flag March' celebrating Jerusalem Day started taking place in Jerusalem on 29 May, Palestinians organized counter-protests in the West Bank and other protests are expected in the Gaza strip. According to the Palestinian News Agency affiliated with the Palestinian Authority on 29 may, dozens of protesters were injured in clashes with Israeli security forces in the West Bank. The march has long been viewed by Palestinians as a provocation. (Protestas, Estados Unidos, Jerusalén) EFE/EPA/ALAA BADARNEH
Más de 20 palestinos resultaron heridos hoy en el área de la Ciudad Vieja de Jerusalén tras verse envueltos en choques o sufrir agresiones por parte de israelíes, mientras sigue la tensión en la urbe por la celebración esta tarde de una marcha ultranacionalista israelí con motivo del Día de Jerusalén.
Autor: EFE-AP, publicada el 29 de mayo de 2022