Beirut (Lebanon), 29/05/2022.- Palestinians who live in Lebanon, carry Palestinian flags as they shout slogans during a protest against the Israeli 'Flag March' celebrating Jerusalem Day at the Palestinian refugee camp of Shatila in Beirut, Lebanon, 29 May 2022. The annual right-wing Israeli 'Flag March' celebrating the Jerusalem Day has long been viewed by Palestinians as a provocation. (Protestas, Líbano, Estados Unidos, Jerusalén) EFE/EPA/WAEL HAMZEH
Beirut (Lebanon), 29/05/2022.- Palestinians who live in Lebanon, carry Palestinian flags as they shout slogans during a protest against the Israeli 'Flag March' celebrating Jerusalem Day at the Palestinian refugee camp of Shatila in Beirut, Lebanon, 29 May 2022. The annual right-wing Israeli 'Flag March' celebrating the Jerusalem Day has long been viewed by Palestinians as a provocation. (Protestas, Líbano, Estados Unidos, Jerusalén) EFE/EPA/WAEL HAMZEH
Más de 20 palestinos resultaron heridos hoy en el área de la Ciudad Vieja de Jerusalén tras verse envueltos en choques o sufrir agresiones por parte de israelíes, mientras sigue la tensión en la urbe por la celebración esta tarde de una marcha ultranacionalista israelí con motivo del Día de Jerusalén.
Autor: EFE-AP, publicada el 29 de mayo de 2022