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This satellite photo by Planet Labs PBC shows fires burning near a hospital in Khartoum, Sudan, Sunday April 16, 2023. The Sudanese military and a powerful paramilitary group are battling for control of the chaos-stricken nation for a second day.  (Planet Labs PBC via AP)

This satellite photo by Planet Labs PBC shows fires burning near a hospital in Khartoum, Sudan, Sunday April 16, 2023. The Sudanese military and a powerful paramilitary group are battling for control of the chaos-stricken nation for a second day. (Planet Labs PBC via AP)

1 de 20 » This satellite photo by Planet Labs PBC shows fires burning near a hospital in Khartoum, Sudan, Sunday April 16, 2023. The Sudanese military and a powerful paramilitary group are battling for control of the chaos-stricken nation for a second day. (Planet Labs PBC via AP)

Más de 180 civiles han muerto por choques en la rebelión en Sudán: ONU

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This satellite photo by Planet Labs PBC shows fires burning near a hospital in Khartoum, Sudan, Sunday April 16, 2023. The Sudanese military and a powerful paramilitary group are battling for control of the chaos-stricken nation for a second day.  (Planet Labs PBC via AP) This satellite photo by Planet Labs PBC shows fires burning near a hospital in Khartoum, Sudan, Sunday April 16, 2023. The Sudanese military and a powerful paramilitary group are battling for control of the chaos-stricken nation for a second day.  (Planet Labs PBC via AP)

This satellite photo by Planet Labs PBC shows fires burning near a hospital in Khartoum, Sudan, Sunday April 16, 2023. The Sudanese military and a powerful paramilitary group are battling for control of the chaos-stricken nation for a second day. (Planet Labs PBC via AP)Tres días de enfrentamientos entre el Ejército de Sudán y el poderoso grupo paramilitar Fuerzas de Apoyo Rápido (FAR) han dejado hasta ahora más de 180 civiles muertos, según la ONU, y muchas dudas sobre cómo encarrilar un conflicto que cada vez está más cerca del punto de no retorno.

Autor: AP, publicada el 17 de abril de 2023

Galería completa: Más de 180 civiles han muerto por choques en la rebelión en Sudán: ONU

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