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In this image supplied by the International Organization for Migration, villagers search amongst the debris from a landslide in the village of Yambali in the Highlands of Papua New Guinea, Monday, May 27, 2024. (Mohamud Omer/International Organization for Migration via AP)

In this image supplied by the International Organization for Migration, villagers search amongst the debris from a landslide in the village of Yambali in the Highlands of Papua New Guinea, Monday, May 27, 2024. (Mohamud Omer/International Organization for Migration via AP)

5 de 12 » In this image supplied by the International Organization for Migration, villagers search amongst the debris from a landslide in the village of Yambali in the Highlands of Papua New Guinea, Monday, May 27, 2024. (Mohamud Omer/International Organization for Migration via AP)

Estiman que avalancha enterró a miles de personas en Papúa Nueva Guinea

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In this image supplied by the International Organization for Migration, villagers search amongst the debris from a landslide in the village of Yambali in the Highlands of Papua New Guinea, Monday, May 27, 2024. (Mohamud Omer/International Organization for Migration via AP) In this image supplied by the International Organization for Migration, villagers search amongst the debris from a landslide in the village of Yambali in the Highlands of Papua New Guinea, Monday, May 27, 2024. (Mohamud Omer/International Organization for Migration via AP)

In this image supplied by the International Organization for Migration, villagers search amongst the debris from a landslide in the village of Yambali in the Highlands of Papua New Guinea, Monday, May 27, 2024. (Mohamud Omer/International Organization for Migration via AP)Más de 2.000 personas han quedado enterradas por la gran avalancha que asoló el viernes una remota localidad del norte de Papúa Nueva Guinea, según el Centro Nacional de Desastres, mientras las tareas de rescate se complican por la inestabilidad del terreno y el difícil acceso a la zona. Según una carta del centro fechada el domingo y enviada este lunes al coordinador de la ONU en el país, a la que tuvo acceso EFE, "más de 2.000 personas quedaron enterradas vivas" por la "masiva avalancha" ocurrida cerca de la mina de oro Porgera, en la provincia de Enga, al norte del país.

Autor: AP, publicada el 27 de mayo de 2024

Galería completa: Estiman que avalancha enterró a miles de personas en Papúa Nueva Guinea

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